Personal Info:
Real Name: Chet
Also Known As: Go-Killa
Place Of Birth: Unknown
First Appearance: Iron Man Vol.6 #20 (2022) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates: No known Associates
Group Affiliation: None
Base Of Operations: Empire State University, New York City
Grudges: Iron Man
Creators: Christopher Cantwell and Ángel Unzueta
Supersimian Intelligence: The work of Empire State University's zoological cognition program in cultivating Chet's intellect allowed him to demonstrate an IQ of 173. He has a special aptitude in programming, and showcased it by quickly cutting through the advanced encryption of the systems of the Iron Man Armor.
Chet was a hyper-intelligent gorilla, and the pride and joy of Empire State University's zoological cognition program. When Stark Unlimited finished working on a super-computer named the Exascale 5150, they invited Chet to participate in its exhibition by playing chess against it.
On the day of the exhibition, Chet asked Tony Stark for any job opportunities at Stark Unlimited, but felt brushed off. During the chess match, he performed an illegal move by moving pieces with his two hands. The hologram of 5150 accused Chet of purposefully making such a novice move to stall for time, and demanded the game was forfeited. Chet became enraged and went on a rampage, attacking Tony Stark.
Chet at Marvel Database