General Fortean
General Fortean
Personal Info:
Real Name: Reginald Fortean
Also Known As: Abomination
Place Of Birth: Unknown
First Appearance: Hulk Vol.2 #30.1 (2011) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates: Dr. McGowan, Stockpile, General "Thunderbolt" Ross
Group Affiliation: U.S. Air Force, U.S. Hulk Operations
Base Of Operations: Shadow Base Site B, Groom Lake, Nevada
Grudges: The Hulk, Red Hulk and Red She-Hulk
Creators: Jeff Parker and Gabriel Hardman
General Fortean is physically fit as a result of regular exercise and training. He is also a skilled militarily tactician and strategist from his years in the Army. He is adept at using multiple firearms and melee weapons.
Redeemer Armour: General Fortean used an upgraded version of the Redeemer Armour.
Weapons: General Fortean has access to numerous firearms, some specially made to handle the Red Hulk including a gun that was used to release nano-mines into the Red Hulk.
Abomination Shell: After touching the remains of the Abomination tissue, General Fortean was transformed into the new Abomination, granting Fortean all of his abilities.
While Thunderbolt Ross was still a general in the US Military he trained a soldier named Fortean. He taught him everything he knew about fighting the Hulk, including strategies that he himself used to try and disable the rampaging beast. When Ross had to fake his own death, Fortean was promoted to a two star general after convincing his superiors that drastic actions had to be taken against the red beast that had "killed" one of their own and attacked the White House. His first request was to continue where Ross had left off. This request was quickly denied, but that was not the end of Fortean's plans. He met with some other generals, who were once friends of Ross, and they all pledged there excess budgets to Fortean for the soul purpose of taking down the Red Hulk.
General Fortean at Comic Vine
General Fortean at Marvel Database