Personal Info:
Real Name: L'Matto
Also Known As: Captain Universe
Place Of Birth: Moord
First Appearance: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1 #30 (1992) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates: Baddoon,Brother Royal
Group Affiliation: Brotherhood of Badoon
Base Of Operations: Moord, 31st century
Grudges: Guardians of the Galaxy 3000
Creators: Michael Gallagher and Kevin West
Normally, L’Matto possessed no superhuman powers. He was a skilled low-level Badoon warrior with the typical traits of a Badoon male. As Captain Universe he had the following powers:
Enhanced Abilities: L’Matto has vast superhuman strength, endurance and durability.
Energy Blasts: L’Matto can project energy blasts.
Flight: L’Matto is able to fly.
Enhanced Senses: L’Matto can sense the complex molecular structure of objects simply by looking at them.
Unaware of a plot by the 31st Century Guardians of the Galaxy to alter their own timeline by slaughtering the Badoon, L’Matto noticed a strange transmission emanating from Earth and asked his fellow low-level Badoon warrior what it could mean. Putting a headset on, L’Matto had the signal patched into his headset, only to be bombarded by the Uni-Power.
After the Badoon Brother Royal issued a gladiatorial combat challenge to Charlie-27, Nikki and Talon of the Guardians of the Galaxy and the group had accepted, the Brother Royal laughed as the Guardians’ defeat seemed imminent. He then ordered one of his warriors to send L’Matto in. As L’Matto entered the room, Brother Royal commented that no one in the galaxy could stand up against a Badoon imbued with the power of Captain Universe.
L'Matto at Marvel Database
L'Matto at Comic Vine
L'Matto at Marvel Universe: The Appendix