Personal Info:
Real Name: Unknown
Also Known As: No known Alias
Place Of Birth: Attilan of the 31st century
First Appearance: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1 #37 (1993) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates: Loki, Imprint, Stupor, Wormhole, Phobia
Group Affiliation: Inhuman Assassin Squad, Inhumans of the 31st century
Base Of Operations: Mobile throughout the universe in 31st century
Grudges: Guardians of the Galaxy 3000
Creators: Michael Gallagher and Kevin West
The result of years of selective breeding and genetic manipulation, have granted Composite the powers of the all the 20th century Inhuman Royal Family.
Black Bolt: Black Bolt's Quasi-Sonic Scream.
Medusa: Medusa's Psychokinetic Hair Manipulation.
Gorgon: Gorgon's Superhuman Strength, Speed, Stamina, Agility, Reflexes, Durability; Regenerative Healing Factor and Kinetic Shockwave Generation.
Karnak: Karnak's Autonomic Function Control and Stress Point Detection.
Triton: Triton's Aquatic Physiology.
Composite is the result of a selective breeding program run by Loki on the enslaved Inhumans in the 31st Century. He was designed to create a champion with all the powers of the Inhuman Royal Family of the 20th Century.
Loki kept his control of them secret for decades. The God of Mischief groomed Composite and a small cadre of Inhumans to be his personal strike force to help him claim the throne of Asgard. Just as the time arrived to attack, the Guardians of the Galaxy investigated the Inhumans enslavement. That brought them into conflict with the Inhuman Assassin Squad.
Composite at Marvel Database
Composite at WriteUp's.Org