Personal Info:
Real Name: Taserface
Also Known As: Nameless One, Taserface, Field Unit 17
Place Of Birth: The planet Stark
First Appearance: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1 #1 (1990) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates: High Sister, Rancor, Side-Step, Skellig, Slagg
Group Affiliation: Formerly The Stark
Base Of Operations: The planet Stark
Grudges: Guardians of the Galaxy 3000
Creators: Jim Valentino
Enhanced Abilities: Overkill has superhuman strength, agility, endurance and durability.
Body Armour: Overkill has the newest generation of reverse-engineered Iron Man-based armour of the Stark, this makes him nearly invulnerable to physical and energy attacks.
Weapon Systems: Overkill’s armour is armed with repulsor blasters inside the gloves and after further upgrades received a backpack with hidden heat blasters and an energy-based shoulder cannon. It is also equipped with a self-destruct sequence that uses the armor's massive power source to cause an explosion large enough to destroy half a quadrant.
Gun: Overkill additionally uses a multi-mode gun arm, which can fire blasts with the heat of a solar flare, plasma blasts and repulsor rays.
Teleportation: Overkill’s armour is equipped with a teleporter.
When the Martians invaded Earth, Tony Stark, not wanting his technology to fall into their hands, loaded it onto a rocket that he sent into space. The rocket eventually crashed into the planet of a fairly primitive race. Exploring the new technology that had been delivered to them, they eventually learned to understand it. Their technological level advanced faster than their social sophistication, and they named their race after their benefactor.
Stark society developed as a strict matriarchy. The females had absolute authority, and the males obeyed them completely. Building huge factories to provide them with armour based on their benefactor, they soon polluted their planet’s atmosphere, using up its natural resources. The Starks then turned their sights to other worlds whose resources they could exploit.
In the 31st Century, one of the Stark’s leading cyborg scouts was Taserface. After coming into conflict with the Guardians of the Galaxy and being defeated, Taserface was extremely ashamed; however he was offered a chance to redeem himself, by undergoing further augmentation. In this new form he was renamed Overkill.
Overkill at Marvel Database
Overkill at Marvel Universe: The Appendix
Overkill at WriteUp's.Org