Personal Info:
Real Name: Malcolm Colcord
Also Known As: No known Alias
Place Of Birth: Canada
First Appearance: Wolverine Vol.2 #160 (2001) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates: Daken, Sabretooth, Garrison Kane, Copycat, Wild Child, Sauron, Mesmero, Aurora, Marrow, Washout, Maverick
Group Affiliation: J.A.N.U.S., Weapon X Program
Base Of Operations: Mobile
Grudges: Wolverine and Deadpool
Creators: Frank Tieri and Sean Chen
The Director is a former soldier, an experienced manipulator and torturer. He is also an expert in psychological warfare.
Regeneration: The Director created a Healing Factor Serum that gave him a very limited regenerative abilities.
Malcolm Colcord was a U.S. Army Private which was involved with the original Weapon X Program as a security guard to the Department K Facility used as base of operations by the Program.
One night, the Weapon X Program subject known as Experiment X (Wolverine) escaped from the complex, massacring all the soldiers in his way in a feral rage. Colcord sadly did not escape his wrath, and was repeatedly slashed in the face by the Weapon X, disfiguring him for the rest of his life.
This horrifying moment marked the start of Malcolm's revenge against the mutant population. He became obsessed with mutants and his wife and kids left him, unable to recognize the man they had once loved. He seized control of the Weapon X Program, becoming the cold, ruthless and calculating Director. To his superiors, Colcord presented the idea that mutants were a resource, waiting to be exploited, but inside he desired nothing less than the complete extermination of all mutants.
The Director at Marvel Database
The Director at Marvel.Com