White Dragon
White Dragon
Personal Info:
Real Name: Unknown
Also Known As: Black Dragon, Red Dragon
Place Of Birth: Canton, China
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1 #184 (1978) Bronze Age Villain
Known Associates: The Hood, Mister Negative, Kingpin
Group Affiliation: Hood's army of criminals, leader of the Dragon Lords
Base Of Operations: Chinatown, New York City
Grudges: Spider-Man
Creators: Marv Wolfman and Ross Andru
Gallery: Click
White Dragon is an expert martial artist.
Mask: White Dragon wears a mask that shoots, gas and fire from the nostrils. A later incarnation of the mask allows him to breathe fire.
Claws: White Dragon possesses a set of steel claws
The White Dragon is the leader of a gang called the Dragon Lords in Chinatown in NYC. He is a master of the martial arts. Born from Chinese ancestors from Canton, his ancestors were slavers of Fujian Chinese people.
White Dragon at Marvel Database
White Dragon at Marvel Universe: The Appendix
White Dragon at Comic Vine