Opsidian the Dark
Opsidian the Dark
Personal Info:
Real Name: Unknown
Also Known As:
Place Of Birth: Unknown
First Appearance: X-Man Vol.1 50
Known Associates:
Group Affiliation: Gene Nation
Base Of Operations: New York City, New York
Grudges: Generation X and the X-Man
Creators: Terry Kavanagh and Luke Ross
Dark Force Manipulation: Opsidian the Dark appears to be constructed of Dark Force energy, he is able to wrap his from round individuals and stretch his body over large areas.
Opsidian the Dark is a mutant and a member of the Morlocks . When the mentally unstable Mikhail Rasputin flooded the Morlock tunnels, many were believed dead. However, at the last instant Mikhail used his powers to open a portal into a parallel dimension dubbed The Hill. After the first generation of Morlocks lived in peace, the young grew up disenfranchised, angry, and full of rage that their elders had abandoned Earth so easily.
In the Hill dimension, time passed quickly as decades would flow by in a matter of Earth months. The children were kept in a stony citadel, where they grew. Life for the Morlock youths was one of constant combat as they struggled and fought to make it to Mikhail's citadel at the top of the Hill. When young mutants manifested their powers, they were immediately required to enter the combat. Those that reached the top of the Hill were required to continue fighting for their place there, even when they became Mikhail's personal guards.
They found a way to return to Earth, forming Gene Nation so that they could get revenge on the humans.