William Stryker
William Stryker
Personal Info:
Real Name: William Stryker
Also Known As:
Place Of Birth: Unknown
First Appearance: X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills
Known Associates:
Group Affiliation: Purifiers
Base Of Operations: Mount Haven
Grudges: X-Men
Creators: Chris Claremont and Brent Anderson
William Stryker is a skilled soldier and military unit leader. He also leads his own military outfit called the ‘Purifiers’.
Telepathic Immunity: William Stryker has an implant blocking low level telepathy.
Arm: William Stryker possesses the arm (hand to elbow) of the Sentinel Nimrod.
Stryker was a soldier in the US military. While on a trip home, the family was in a car accident in the Nevada desert and his wife went into labour. His newborn son was born a mutant. Stryker went insane, killing mother and child. He then ignited their car in the attempt to commit suicide. The incident and his behaviour afterwards soon caused Stryker to be discharged from the military.
Stryker learned from articles by Charles Xavier that his son was a mutant. He became convinced that Satan had a plot to corrupt humankind by taking over their souls while still in the womb, resulting in their mutations. He began to think of himself as 'chosen by God' to destroy mutants and formed Strkyer's Crusade and the Purifiers.