Personal Info:
Real Name: Zymyr
Also Known As:
Place Of Birth: Gil'dishpan
First Appearance: Legion of Super-Heroes Vol.3 1
Known Associates:
Group Affiliation: Legion of Super-Villains
Base Of Operations: Mobile, 30th Century
Grudges: Legion of Super-Heroes
Creators: Paul Levitz and Keith Giffen
Gallery: Click
Telepathy: Zymyr is a telepath and can communicate with beings of all races at some distances.
Space Warps: Zymyr is able to create space warps that open instantaneous transport across interstellar or interdimensional space.
A member of the long lived and technologically sophisticated race whose unpronounceable name is generally translated into Interlac as Gil'dishpan, Zymyr dissented from the official policy of gentle co-existence with sentient beings of races unsuitable for survival on the high pressure worlds Gil'dishpan dwelled on. Zymyr believed that such lesser creatures were suitable for the amusement of his fellow master beings, and committed what were decreed to be crimes in experimenting on humans.
As a result, Zymyr was exiled from the company of his fellow beings sometime prior to the 30th Century. He took comfort in continuing his experiments with the equipment he had been permitted to bring with him. He was recruited as a member of the Legion of Super-Villains.